Jackals Dvdrip 1440P Best Quality


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i just watched the movie after watching the trailer like 2 hours ago ; the trailer makes it look really good but tbh it isn't ^^; acting is meh, the special effects are even more meh, and the story drags out a bit leading to a stink ending. But that's just my opinion lol. I've just watched this movie and I have to say, I laughed all the way through. It is poorly written and I can honestly say I don't ever think I've seen acting as bad before. Absolute shite!! Garbage.

Creepy dude: no one enters this house Me: WELL YOU COULD OF TOLD ME THAT BEFORE I DID I get it. Time has moved on and people and their attention spans have changed. Just look at TV show theme songs, for example. There were some great theme songs for TV shows for years. The theme song was considered an important part of the show because it was recognizable, memorable, and created a sensory/auditory bond (similar to an aroma associated with a particular favorite food item). Theme songs were a little too long at times and they tended to be shortened across the life of a series, but they were also subconsciously comforting and engaging because you were readied for what came next. Now, you usually see the title of a show flashed on the screen with a couple of notes of music (if that). It's comical for the most part. Everybody's too busy to sit around waiting for theme songs to play and TV time costs too much and viewers might flip the channel during a song, of course. I say all this to sort of explain why Jackals both haunts and frustrates me..

Very good movie

It's Ivy from stitchers

Can we please stop using the bwwwaaaaahhhhmmm sound effect? It was cool when the first two-hundred movies used it, but now it's just annoying and really unprofessional..


is this from the short story

Horror is dead.

The movie is done very well, not much conversations and directly straight to the point heart breaking scene..

If the purpose is because they need as many babies as possible, they why bother with 1 baby in the middle of nowhere? Obviously you'd wanna go to the hospital infirmary if anything....


Though the movie just in one area shoot but still its creepy and pretty scary..

Must see! Actually looks good Kudos!



I love 80's movies. I like how the stories unfold, the characters are developed, and the endings are complete. Since Jackals was set in the 80's and had a great plotline, I wish they would have done a better job of filling in some of those blanks. I've seen movie quality decline so much over the years that it's a genuine shame to me when something could have been so very good with more storyline or character development. All the right ingredients are there, but there are too many chefs in the kitchen or the wrong one at the stove. Nowadays, plots that sound promising so often take wrong turns or hit dead ends...movies based on books are dumbed down to the lowest common audience denominator...and scenes are abruptly shortened that once would have been fully explored..

First comment! Looks brutal and scary! :D

Lol!!! The girl under the bed scene was copied from a kollywood movie #SangiliBungili.

a total time waste






Why alice don't kill last girl??

cuando putas sale....???


Who got here because of the game Hatred?

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Big as a sun Download Hd-720p Torrents For Free thearf.org/forums/topic/northern-lights-of-christmas-high-resolution-torrent-105-mov. Recognized the part from the short film. Thats not me. Been hoping someone would expand on that. Great concept. Will definitely check this out.

My name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to do.





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